Have you ever been curious about supplements and how they impact your body? Some people who look for creatine supplements ask the question “
how long does creatine stay in your system?” This is a good question, but sometimes it can come from an ignorance about the molecule.
Some people believe that creatine can get them into trouble when it comes to drug testing, competition, and other types of events. Others are interested in how long the supplement lasts for strength and muscle mass gains. Both are questions that show a lack of understanding of how creatine works.
This article will help you to better understand creatine and therefore how it impacts your health. You may question “how long does creatine stay in your system?”, which is a valid question, but with this information you might not find it relevant for the future!
How Long Does Creatine Stay in Your System for Drug Testing?
Some people are scared about creatine as a supplement that might get in the way of drug testing. Some competitive athletes must be concerned with their status in order to continue, which is healthy and a safe mindset. However, creatine is a natural molecule that our body produces naturally. It is also a molecule found in most animal meat products.
This means that creatine can be found in the human body in high quantities without taking any supplement whatsoever. People that take creatine supplements only add more of the molecule in order to improve cellular function of the brain and the body. You may still question “
how long does creatine stay in your system?” because of drug tests.
Creatine will always be in your system, but elevated levels might last for a few days or even week depending on the level of exertion and energy that you expend. If you are using a lot of energy in order to perform in the weight room or some given task, there is a good chance you will have creatine in your system for only a short period.
High School and College Drug Tests
If you are a high school or college student and you are worried about drug testing for your sport or job, do not be. Creatine is not something that these organizations will drug test and it is not really something that they can measure even if they did. You are perfectly safe to take creatine while you are in high school or in college.
For college and high school kids, it is imperative to use creatine because of the quickly changing muscle and skeletal structure. Even though it is not good to start too young, getting creatine into the system of a maturing 18 year old can have profound impacts on the quality of training. It can also protect them from injury as well.
Creatine Tissue Saturation
The creatine molecule is best used in the human body when cell tissue is completely saturated. This means that over time, your body stores creatine and it is more readily available to create ATP (energy) and help you to improve strength, muscle mass, and cognitive capabilities as well.
Most of the time, creatine is the best way for anybody to put on muscle mass and to develop stronger physical capabilities. A lot of high performance professionals are finding it useful for their cognitive abilities as well.
Recent studies show that when the brain cells are fully saturated, it is possible to see mental endurance advantages. People taking creatine can work longer and maintain focus for better periods. Other studies show reasoning advantages while there are tremendous health advantages for elderly and omnivores that do not typically consume high quantities of meat.
Most people who get started with creatine monohydrate do not know that there is a loading phase that requires some time to saturate the muscles. Most people are of the impression that creatine is similar to caffeine or other similar stimulants that can cause you to have some significant problems after the crash.
This does not reflect reality even if some supplement companies try to tell you otherwise! Creatine does not have a stimulatory effect in most people, but there are some who may occasionally feel it. In general, it is much easier to see tangible advantages in body composition and the strength levels.
All of this is only possible because of the creatine muscle saturation that comes with taking this supplement over the course of a week or two.
Creatine Conclusion
Overall, having a
creatine supplement is going to be one of the best and safest decisions that you ever make for improving your mental and physical capabilities. You may question “
how long does creatine stay in your system?” for drug test purposes, but it is not something that requires much questioning!
At the end of the day, it is important that you are focused on getting a product that is going to help you in the long and short term. Creatine can be just that product and you don't even have to worry about the negative effects that might come with having product of this kind.
via Hyperion Strength
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