Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Creatine Powder Side Effects That are Important

There are some creatine powder side effects that you need to keep in mind in order to get the best results. It will help you to get rid of some of the short term problems and improve upon the longer term things you are trying to achieve. Some people who are getting bigger and stronger are looking for the best results with the least possible work. Creatine can help, but there are creatine powder side effects to keep in mind at all times for sure. If you use the tips in this video and article, you are going to get the best results.

What are the Side Effects of Creatine? Things to Watch For

If you are wondering what are the side effects of creatine, it is a good idea to consider the following information. It is easy to prevent some of the major problems if you just have the right mentality and information. For example, water can prevent a lot of nausea, diarrhea, and bloating. Use the following video to get the best results. You may ask "what are the side effects of creatine?" but it is a good idea to know what you are doing beforehand to get the best results.

Negative Side Effects of Creatine to Know

There are a few negative side effects of creatine that you need to be aware of when you are trying to improve your strength and muscle mass. Sometimes people struggle with short term side effects, which can include things like bloating, cramping, and nausea. Other times people struggle with longer term side effects. Either way, learning the negative side effects of creatine will help you to achieve the best response and put some prevention measures into place to protect yourself.

Creatine Negative Side Effects - Preventing Problems

There are a few creatine negative side effects and if you are aware of them and can plan ahead of time, you are going to have a much better experience. Most of the time it is difficult to get the results that you would like, but other occasions will be perfect for you. Using the following tips, learn about creatine negative side effects and prevent yourself from having gastrointestinal issues or even long term health concerns.

Creatine Monohydrate Side Effects to Be Conscious Of

If you are trying to take something like creatine, the creatine monohydrate side effects are important to consider. You may find them to be too overwhelming for you to take seriously! Make sure that you are able to get the best results with the right kind of focus. No matter what the case may be, it is a good idea for you to get the results you're looking for. There are some creatine monohydrate side effects that can have a profound impact on your life as well. Make sure that you are able to get the best results and you are going to do something that is a lot better for you in the long run.

Side Effects of Creatine to Analyze

The best way to get ahead with supplements is to take the ones that will offer long term help and support. For many people, the side effects of creatine can seem like a daunting thing to face. In most respects, people just decide it isn't for them and move on. No matter what the case may be, it is important for you to focus on getting the best results with this type of supplement. There are some side effects of creatine that you should watch out for, but in the long term there are few things to worry about. Studies have been going for decades and show a lot of use for every type of person.

Creatine Side Effects - Your Guide

Getting an understanding of supplements that you want to take can be a difficult task, but it is rewarding to do so. The creatine side effects can often be difficult to read about because they are made to sound worse than they are. Still, you can prevent yourself from running into problems if you just have the right mentality about it. Using the creatine side effects to get these results is going to make something special for you. The tips in this video are going to be useful to get the best results for your strength, muscle mass, and definitely other aspects as well.

Best Creatine Bodybuilding Experts Utilize

There are a lot of different products on the market, but the best creatine bodybuilding experts are using will focus primarily around preventing excessive fat gain. Low body fat is one of the keys for a successful bodybuilder, which is why the Enhanced Creatine Formula can be so particularly effective. Making sure that you have this structured properly is going to help you get the best results. The best creatine bodybuilding experts are using will be useful for you to get rid of that fat and still maintain the body fat percentage that you want.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Best Rated Creatine - Sift Through the Hype

There are a lot of things you can do in order to find the best rated creatine. Online reviews are a great way of getting a better understanding, but it is a lot better for you to focus on getting high quality reviews. The best thing that you can do is to look for these high quality reviews when you have a certain goal. Use this video to find the best rated creatine. You can sift through the hype and you'll get the best results that way.

Best Form of Creatine - Features to Keep in Mind

There are several features to keep in mind when you look for the best form of creatine. No matter what product you are searching for, getting the best results is your number one priority. Sometimes factors that come into play can be things like health and longevity, price is an issue, and the overall results can be important too. Using this guide to find the best form of creatine can help you a lot. Make sure to keep these features in mind when you are doing things to get the best results.

Best Creatine on the Market - Your Scientific Analysis

There are some things that can keep you sane. Getting the best creatine on the market is going to provide you with a lot of success, but it will depend completely on your goals and desires. Most of the time the best product for one person is not even useful for another. Keep this in mind when you are preparing yourself for supplementation. Using the tips from this video you can find more about the best creatine on the market and then you'll have some good results no matter what.

Best Creatine Capsules - Is it worth it?

Understanding creatine methods of administration can be difficult, but the best creatine capsules will give you some benefits. Whether the benefits are worth the time that you take in order to use them is up for debate. It is a good idea for you to understand this concept before you start to buy a lot of different products. Use the tips in this video to find the best creatine capsules. You will find out that there are a lot of things worth it, but capsules might not be your best bet. In a lot of ways they can really cause you to have a lot of convenience and cost problems that aren't worth it.

Best Way to Take Creatine - Your Step by Step Guide

Having a step by step guide to find the best way to take creatine is going to make a big difference for your overall success. Getting the timing and the ingredients correct is going to have a big impact on whether you are able to get results from your supplemental regime or not. This step by step guide will help you to understand the process. Making sure that you have the best way to take creatine can add a little more efficiency that is going to make the best plan for you. Most of the time, this is exactly what you need to get the best results.

Best Creatine for Mass - Avoiding Unhealthy Products

When it comes to taking the best creatine for mass, it is a good idea for you to get the right kind of products. Some of the mass gainer products have a lot of fillers and other ingredients and they just don't have the right amount of creatine to actually give you the best effect in that way. A lot of people struggle with finding the best creatine for mass. In this quick video, you can learn a lot about how to get the product that you are looking for without causing yourself a lot of unnecessary stress. At the end of the day, that is what it is all about!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Best Creatine Products - Features and Videos

There are a lot of features involved with the best creatine products. If you are trying to find a product for a specific goal then you need to make sure you understand all of the advantages and disadvantages. There are a lot of things to keep in mind when you are looking at supplements in general. Even though creatine is a fairly reliable supplement, it is a good idea to make sure that you are able to get the best results with the best creatine products. This video is going to help you to find out what that might look like for you.

Best Creatine Powder Based on Goals Video

There are several different reasons to take creatine. Some people like it for mental and cognitive advantages. Other people like it for the advantages they can use when it comes to their ability to get stronger and more muscle mass. This is important for distinguishing what might be the best creatine powder for you. There are many ways to find the best creatine powder. This video will show you some great tips and tricks in order to get started.

What is the Best Creatine for You? Ultimate Guide Video

There are many things to keep in mind when you are looking for supplements. Finding out what is the best creatine might not be a simple task. Using this article, you are going to find out what is going to help you. More importantly, you'll find out the things that are going to make a big difference for your overall health. The answer to "what is the best creatine?" is really dependent upon goals. These tips and tricks are going to help you to get the best results no matter what position you are in. Most people don't realize they can get such benefits from products like this.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Creatine Supplement Side Effects

A lot of people wonder whether they should be concerned when it comes to creatine supplement side effects. No matter what the case may be, you are going to find some people that complain very openly and honestly about their issues. There is nothing wrong with this, but it is definitely not something that you need to take into consideration when it comes to your routine or needs. Try to make sure that you don't worry as much about the creatine supplement side effects unless you have tried it and know for yourself what works and doesn't work. This is going to give you a much better result and can make your life a whole lot easier.

Best Creatine - Features to Find the Best Product

There are so many different features that you can use in order to find an adequate product for yourself. The best creatine often comes with a few certain features that will help you to make a really big impact in your life if used the correct way. A lot of different people are trying to incorporate things that are going to help in their life. The best creatine can have a few features that this video discusses. Try to use the tips and tricks to have a better idea of whether or not this is something that you really want to utilize in your life or not. Some people just find that they are not all that interested, which is fine. Just know yourself and your body!

Best Creatine Supplement - #1 Product Today

When it comes to finding high quality products, sometimes it can be a challenge. This is definitely relevant when it comes to something like creatine. There are so many creatine products on the market it is sometimes hard to find out whether or not you are getting something that is actually going to give you a lot of advantages. The best creatine supplement that you can find is not going to be something that you need to worry about if you have the right resources to help. Using this video, you can find the best creatine supplement without any problems. The tips and tricks in this video are going to give you a huge advantage over the competition and make your life a lot easier in general. Even though there are so many products, use these tips to sift through the nonsense and get something that really matters.

Finding the Best Creatine Monohydrate for You

There are a lot of different products that you may use in order to improve your strength, performance in the gym and even cognitive advantages. When it comes to finding the best creatine monohydrate for you, there are a few features that you need to keep in mind. This brief video will help you to get all the tips and tricks so that you can get the best results. Even though there are plenty of other ways to find out the best creatine monohydrate, you'll find that this is the most relevant and informative for what you are trying to achieve.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Why it is Better to Trust Your Body Rather Than Mind

Today's human has a double-edged sword with our capacity to think. Some of the deepest, most profound people become victims to the mental chatter of our “thinking” brain. Rather than feel the intuition of our bodies, we resort to logical conclusions, actions, and processes.

Getting in touch with our body and learning to trust it over our thinking brain can have unimaginable benefit for our every day life. More importantly, it can help guide us to our higher purpose (which may change constantly) and can answer many of our hardest questions.

How Does it Feel to Be Stupid?

How does it feel to be stupid? There is no feeling at all; it is a mental construct that one human passes to another, which is often debilitating in the wrong mind. When one identifies with being stupid or unintelligent because of what someone has verbally stated, it can create negative manifestations without any reality in the body.

This is an example of how our thinking brain can work against us. When answers seem so simple from our “gut instinct” or “intuition”, we decide to over-analyze and think about them instead. Terms like “gut instinct” indicate we should listen to our body more, but somehow we have lost sight of this.

Our capacity to think deeply has brought us many technological gifts, but it rarely brings us fulfillment and contentedness. We should all continue to philosophize, but balancing more of our hard decisions with an intuitive body can make a big difference.

Practices to Trust Your Body More

For those (often myself included) who get caught up thinking too much, there are ways to go back into our body to trust and embrace our wisdom.


This is a big one. Elliott Hulse said once “If you cannot dance, you are not free.” Without formal training, it is easy to get stuck in my head thinking about how I look rather than just trusting my body. I derive so much pleasure from the flow-state of dancing and because it allows me to break the habit of rigidity in my body. If you have ever told yourself you need alcohol in order to dance, this is a lack of trust in your body.

Go onto the dance floor and move your body around without thinking. Trust every leg movement, step, hand flail, and head bob; rock your hips, shake your butt, and just let go. Don't worry about controlling how you look.

Weight lifting

One of the reasons myself and millions of other people love weight lifting so much is because it makes it possible to stop thinking so much and just do something with real sensations. Heavy weights hurt; there is pain involved and the inner masochist in all of us can enjoy the (muscular) pain of weight lifting to an extent. Pain is a heightened sensation even if we often identify it as being a negative one.

However, it is easy to get into the mindset of “mind over matter,” but this shows the lack of trust in your body. Of course, your body will try to stop you from doing something it deems unsafe, but the more you are in-tune with your body the more it will allow you to recognize the injury vs. protection response.

Don't judge feelings

Sometimes an event or situation will cause you to a certain way; anger, sadness, despair. Instead of trying to suppress or overcome / reason through the emotions, go for a walk and let them express themselves. Philosophical thinkers might take an affront to the ego and realize “this bad feeling is only my ego so I should not feel a particular way.” This is an over-analysis – you should feel however you feel!

Instead of thinking about the truth, go for a walk and let your expressions emanate from your body. When I am angry I will go on a walk listening to high-energy music, which helps get it out. I flex my muscles and sometimes even bark or jump around. This helps to release tension in the body and the byproduct is always that I come to philosophical reason afterwards. The only difference in going from body – brain rather than brain – body is that the realization sticks rather than fading a way.


By turning off your thinking brain and going into your body / breath, you can practice balancing yourself. I undertook an intensive 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat, which pitted me in the woods for 12 hours a day doing meditation with few meals and complete silence. During this time I realized how reliant I am on my thinking brain constantly churning and talking. You don't need this type of intensive experience to benefit from meditation; 20 minutes a day to focus on your breath goes a long way. Start with 5 if you have no experience.


Either Alan Watts or another great philosophical thinker said “You don't need to burn down the barn every time you wish to cook a chicken.” While meditation can offer great mental clarity and even hallucinogenic states, there is no reason you can't use psychedelics to enhance your understanding of the world around you and your body.

Some psychedelics, such as psilocybin, are very useful for present-ness and increased sensations. If you are able to take this with a group of safe, likeminded individuals in a natural / safe setting, this would be ideal. You may find heightened sensations that allow you to better experience the wisdom of your body.

Foam rolling

Much like weightlifting, foam rolling can be painful in a good or bad way. It definitely hurts, but it releases tension built up in the muscles and afterward feels great. By foam rolling consistently, you will notice the self-chatter slowly dissipates and goes away. Suddenly the excruciating pain of your I.T. Bands overpower the guilt of what dessert you ate for lunch.

Go for a walk

Sometimes getting out of your head is as simple as getting into nature and going for a walk. Even living in an urban environment can create lots of great sensory input, but there is no reason to analyze all of it. Simply let it pass through the prism of your mind as your body enjoys the movement of a pleasant stroll. Like many of the other practices, walking often helps us to revert to listening to our body rather than constantly listening to our inner self-talk.

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