Sunday, February 1, 2015

Top Creatine Supplements for Safety and Results

You want to see results from supplementation, but without worrying about the safety of the product. The top creatine supplements are going to help you stay safe and also offer tremendous mental, strength, and size benefits that come with this fantastic molecule. This article will discuss some of your options to get products that will improve your mental capabilities and strength, but will not work against you in terms of safety or long term viability. There are too many products on the market that are filled with unhealthy stimulants that can cause long term damage.

Top Creatine Supplements to Start With

When you are starting off with creatine monohydrate, you need to learn the different research methods that can help you find the top creatine supplements. First, make sure you look at a few features. The top creatine supplements will have some of the following: Creatine dosage – If the product does not have the right dose of creatine monohydrate (5 grams per day), then you are not going to see any results. It is also a lot safer to take this dosage for a couple of reasons. If you do not take this high of a dose, you run the risk of seeing few advantages, but still having your kidneys working overtime. Also, if you want to see results this is the way to go. Creatine type – Monohydrate is the only well-studied type of creatine and all of the top creatine supplements include this over the hydrochloride or the other types. It is often difficult to believe monohydrate is better because of all the hype, but stand firm next to your decision! Natural ingredients – A lot of these creatine supplements or preworkout formulas have creatine in them, but they also have a lot of unnatural ingredients. Some even have things like amphetamine analogues that you can use in order to get a lot more stimulation and energy, but they are not sustainable. In fact, after a few months of using this, you are going to find out that there are significant health risks. Few ingredients – The fewer ingredients in a product, the better. Often people take straight creatine monohydrate in 5 gram servings and this is actually a good place to start. The Enhanced Creatine Formula only has 3 ingredients and they are natural, which makes it a little more efficient for results.

Buying Top Creatine Supplements

Now that you have an idea of what features to search for, make sure you know where to get the best products. Going into a nearby GNC or brick and mortar location is not going to be very easy to get the best products. It is far better to do your searching on the internet. The top creatine supplements are on the internet and include such things as the Enhanced Creatine Formula. This is made with taurine, which is derived from bulls and used to increase glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity. It is all natural and perfectly safe. Additionally, there is fenugreek, which is just an herb that has been used in India for thousands of years. Between these two ingredients, you will see tremendous results especially if you train fasted or take creatine without a lot of carbohydrates. If you decide to purchase this product, you are going to be a lot better off in your quest for additional strength, muscle size, and mental capabilities.

Buying Top Creatine Supplements

Now that you have an idea of what you are looking for, you can buy the top creatine supplements without a problem. Not only will you be able to get the best products for you, but you can ensure that you are able to protect yourself and get results that are far beyond the average! Sometimes the average products are not only just going to prevent you from being successful, but there is also a good chance you will have some serious health problems. The carbohydrate fillers and some of the extra stimulant ingredients can make a big difference when it comes to overall health. Try to prevent yourself from ingesting these types of things if at all possible! via Hyperion Strength

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