Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Best Creatine Monohydrate for Kidneys

Every supplement has myths and misinformation surrounding it, but the best creatine monohydrate for your kidneys is not as difficult to find as you may think. Some people falsely believe that creatine monohydrate can provide problems to those people who have to overwork their kidneys, but this is a myth that has been propagated for the past few decades with little to no scientific evidence.

This article will help you to understand what you need to focus on in order to prevent your kidneys from having any problems. Luckily, creatine monohydrate is not one of the things that you really need to fear, but we will focus on providing you some evidence nonetheless.

Your Kidneys and Creatine Monohydrate

Your kidneys are very strong despite what some people might have you believe. More importantly, the studies that look at creatine monohydrate and the kidneys are very clear in their evidence. It has been shown time and time again that there is little evidence to support any claim your kidneys might feel some strain as a result of creatine usage.

Some of the existing studies show that you might find problems with creatine if you already have kidney diseases of some kind or a cancer. However, just because a weaker kidney might not be able to deal with creatine in the same way as a healthy one, that does not mean there is any problem with creatine monohydrate itself.

Furthermore, there are newer studies that show even those with kidney problems might not actually have problems with creatine supplementation; we at Hyperion Strength recommend you discuss this with your doctor before trying, however.

Purchasing the Best Creatine Monohydrate for Safety

Of course, you still want to be safe and careful when you are buying creatine monohydrate. One way to do that is to focus on getting a product that is not included in a blend of many other ingredients. Sometimes it is possible for you to find a creatine monohydrate product that is not at the recommended 5 grams per day dosage range and it has other ingredients that can cause plenty of health problems. Namely, these include things like amphetamine analogues that can lead to all types of health problems.

Making sure that you have the best creatine monohydrate is not difficult if you know where to look. Our Enhanced Creatine Formula offers a variety of benefits that you may not have thought of. Including fenugreek in 500 mg doses allows for better shuttling of creatine into the muscles and improves testosterone.

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