Sunday, January 4, 2015

Best Form of Creatine – An Evidence Based Approach

When considering any new supplement or product to consume, it is best to look at it from a scientific point of view. The evidence based approach allows you to better understand what a product does based on studying subjects with the same compound. Just because people have experienced a change does not mean that there actually is one. When it comes to a product like creatine, there are a plethora of studies over many decades. One point of contention is the best form of creatine, which many marketing companies refute for their own purposes. In this article, we are going to take a look at the different kinds of creatine and which one is the best form for you. More importantly, we will be making this analysis through the use of science rather than experiences of users and creatine reviews that do not have much credence.

Best Form of Creatine in Studies

The studies are pretty clear about the best form of creatine. Here we will analyze the basic types of creatine that are touted in an effort to provide you with a better understanding. Creatine Monohydrate – This is by far the best form of creatine that you can currently find on the market. It is the safest and most effective because it is the type that has been used in the majority of the scientific literature over the past few decades. Because it is so old, it has had the opportunity to be scrutinized by the scientific community and yet it has prospered. Today that means that it is not only the best form, but also the cheapest and most commonly available form. Creatine Pyruvate – Studies show that creatine pyruvate might have some usefulness in producing higher blood levels of creatine, but the effectiveness of the product has yet to be seen. Marketing companies tout this product as a way of preventing water retention and weight gaining while taking creatine, but this has not yet been researched properly. Creatine Magnesium Chelate – Another type of creatine is magnesium chelate, which again is touted as a great product for preventing water weight gain at low doses. Like pyruvate this has not been studied or explored in a laboratory and so the claims are rather worthless compared to the science that backs up something like creatine monohydrate. Creatine Hydrochloride – One new type of creatine that is often branded as the latest and greatest is called hydrochloride, which is actually negated by stomach acid and turned into basic creatine. In essence they do nothing different than creatine monohydrate except perhaps dissolves in water better. If you want to spend a lot more money for easier dissolving creatine that is your prerogative!

Buying Blended Forms of Creatine

One common mistake that people make when supplementing with creatine is finding a product that is blended the wrong way. With many proprietary blends, there is no way for you to even know how much of a certain ingredient is in the product. If you can't tell the creatine dosage, there is no way of knowing whether it is working effectively or not. More importantly, people do not realize that the creatine in these products might not be the right type and it is usually filled with other stimulants and products that are not at all healthy for you. Stimulants like amphetamine analogues can wreak havoc on your system and athletes can fail drug tests as a result of this. One blend that works great is the Enhanced Creatine Formula that has 5 grams of creatine monohydrate per serving in addition to 500 mg of fenugreek. This all natural herb will help you to shuttle creatine to the muscles more effectively and it can improve your testosterone as well. Ancient Asian civilizations have been using this as a medicine for thousands of years and you can utilize the synergistic properties with creatine to get bigger, stronger, and better! via Hyperion Strength

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