Sunday, January 4, 2015

What's the Best Creatine? - The Ultimate Guide

For those just entering the supplement market, it can be a daunting task to sift through the marketing hype and find a good product. With creatine especially it can be difficult given the many types and blends available. Many wonder “what's the best creatine?” because there are many different kinds. This article should help to answer that question as the ultimate guide. After you have read this entire guide, you should have a better understanding of creatine and thus what is possible with your supplementation. If we can teach you a little about the science, you can make far better informed decisions in the future.

What's the Best Creatine Type

There are actually many ways that chemists have been able to develop creatine in order to get it into your body. One of the most common and the most studied is called creatine monohydrate. This is by far the best form of creatine and it is important to utilize this if you are searching for enhanced strength, muscle mass, or any of the benefits from this great molecule. Other types of creatine include pyruvate, which is touted as a way of preventing weight gain through the use of creatine; the studies have proven no such thing. If you are to believe all of the marketing claims, you can get stronger with pyruvate without any of the water retention, but this seems to be a bogus claim so far. Research has yet to be done on the topic. Another type of creatine is called nitrate, which may have similar efficacy of creatine monohydrate, but it often leaves your kidney to deal with excessive nitrate. It has a very little positive effect and yet it is a lot more expensive. There are a few other types of creatine as well, but creatine monohydrate is by far the best product that you can get from a chemical perspective. The others might be similar, but without the studies showing the efficacy or the safety, it is not worth it to believe the claims made by many of these marketing companies who sell supplements.

What's the Best Creatine in a Blend?

For a lot of people, getting the best bang for their buck can be a priority. If you are interested in getting the best creatine, finding a blend might be a bit tricky. Many of the blended products are of lower quality and cost a lot more money. For example, you can find some products that do not have the 5 gram creatine monohydrate serving size, but are filled with ingredients like caffeine and guarana, which are just stimulants. Other proprietary blends do not even tell you the dosage of creatine at all, which is a big no-no if you want to get a scientifically proven dose for improving your size, strength, and physical capabilities. There are some blends that can help you to improve these markers, but they are few and far between. One of these is called the Enhanced Creatine Formula, which is a product that combines 5 grams of creatine monohydrate with 500 mg of fenugreek to shuttle the creatine directly into your muscle cells. It is also an all-natural and safe herb that you can use to improve testosterone so it has effects in this regard as well. Overall, it is an effective tool for anyone who wants to improve their level of size and strength, but it is one of the few blends that can tout this advantage. via Hyperion Strength

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