Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What is Creatine Monohydrate?

Most athletes or bodybuilders have heard of creatine monohydrate, but may not always know exactly what it is. The question “what is creatine monohydrate?” is almost invariably the first step in deciding whether it is a supplement worth taking for you. According to decades of research, creatine is the best supplement for athletes and physically fit individuals, but it can also improve brain health and overall cellular activity. In this article, we will discuss creatine as a supplement and then specifically creatine monohydrate so that you can determine whether it is a good product for you to take.

What is Creatine Monohydrate?

Creatine monohydrate is one of the oldest and most well-studied forms of creatine that humans can use in the body for cellular function. Creatine itself can be manufactured by humans and all animal products also have some creatine as well. Because of the immense number of benefits, many athletes and high performance individuals choose to also add creatine to their regimen. Creatine monohydrate is one of many different types of creatine products that you can find on the market. Creatine monohydrate is the oldest, most well-studied, and definitely the safest form of creatine that you can find, but there are a few other types as well. They include:
  • Creatine pyruvate
  • Creatine nitrate
  • Creatine citrate
While they are all supposed to help improve the effectiveness of creatine, none have been shown on any level to be better than creatine monohydrate. Therefore, if you are looking for the best creatine supplement, it is a good idea to consider creatine monohydrate over everything else.

How Does Creatine Monohydrate Help?

Now you have an answer to “what is creatine monohydrate?” you should next understand how it can help you. This is a molecule in the energy system that aids in cellular function, which means that it can improve your brain and body. By providing more energy (in the form of ATP), you are able to exert more energy and receive far more substantial benefits. Most people do not recognize the benefits of creatine for their brain, which are as profound as any muscular benefit. Improving your creatine monohydrate levels can be an important step towards improving your overall health and fitness. It is best to know what creatine monohydrate products are best to purchase, however.

Buying Creatine Monohydrate

If you are finally in the phase of decision making where you would like to buy creatine monohydrate, it is a good idea to know a few facts beforehand. First of all, the majority of products at GNC or online are filled with sugar and artificial sweeteners along with ingredients that may not be at all healthy for you. Instead you should opt for creatine products that have a few fundamental features: 1. Correct dosage – a lot of great products, such as creatine pills, are restrictive because they do not fulfill the 5 gram dosage size per day. Make sure you get enough creatine or else it isn't going to help you very much. 2. Few and natural ingredients – blended products are not necessarily bad, but they are definitely not always good. Make sure you find one that has only creatine and some natural ingredients. The Enhanced Creatine Formula utilizes only creatine and the herb fenugreek. If you can look for these features, you will most likely find a very positive experience with creatine monohydrate products. via Hyperion Strength

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