Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How to Take Creatine

Learning how to take creatine most effectively is useful for anyone who wants to get the most out of their supplementation regime. Creatine is a molecule in the energy producing system, which aids in cellular function. In order to learn how to best take creatine, you must understand some of the basics of this supplement. The following article will teach you how to take creatine so that you are getting the most effective dose at the most effective time. Even though creatine is a widespread and popular product for improving muscle size, strength, and cognitive abilities, it is still largely under appreciated and not well understood.

How to Take Creatine to Start

The beginning of creatine supplementation is what confuses some people the most. Often people believe creatine supplements operate in the same way that others do; take it at a certain time and afterward you will feel something special. The reality is much different. At the beginning your muscles and brain cells will not be able to tell much of a difference. If you take the average recommended dose of 5 grams creatine monohydrate per day, you will see results in a matter of a week or so. However, if you take a “loading phase” dose of 20 grams per day for 5 days you will start to see results much quicker. Your cells need to saturate with the creatine in order to get the best results, which is why it takes time for the creatine to have an effect. Whenever you do start to feel creatine it is going to be in the form of added energy, strength, and maybe a boost in testosterone as well.

How to Take Creatine with Perfect Timing

Timing is going to be a big factor when learning how to take creatine. Most people think that they can take creatine at any time of day, but you must make sure to have an agent with it that can shuttle it effectively to the muscles. Sometimes sugars and carbohydrates are used as the aid for the muscles and brain to most effectively get creatine. However, the Enhanced Creatine Formula uses fenugreek, which is an all-natural herb, to shuttle creatine into your muscles as effectively as carbs. This combination of creatine and fenugreek can make it possible to take the supplement even when on a low-carb or Paleo-style diet. The flexibility that you can use with creatine is also helpful for busy, high performance individuals. Some people find that taking creatine will improve their ability to lift weights, which is why they take it before going to the gym. Other individuals prefer it before going to bed at night or early in the morning. Whatever you decide for taking creatine, it is a good idea to get the timing down for you and stick to something that is going to allow you to best take the supplement.

Learning How to Take Creatine

Each person is different and you must figure out what process is best for you to take creatine. Most people do not have the intellectual sense to challenge their beliefs on the supplement and when it can be used best, but test different timings and find out whether you are taking creatine in the right way. If you find that there are many discrepancies regarding how you feel then it might be a good idea for you to consider taking creatine at a different time of day. Test and re-test until you find what is best, but in most cases there is no need because creatine can be taken at any time! via Hyperion Strength

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